The Human Side (Sequel to New Beginnings) – A Fictional Lesbian Romance

The Human Side (Sequel to New Beginnings) – A Fictional Lesbian Romance

The Human Side is a sequel to New Beginnings by Cori Garrison.

Shawn Evans has finally allowed someone inside her thick walls that she has used for so many years to protect herself. Rebecca Johns somehow managed to crack Shawn’s fortress and the two of them were now preparing for the birth of their baby, an event that Shawn had never foreseen in her future. Just when Shawn was starting to trust that she could truly be happy with someone, life throws a wrench in her plans.

Her father shows up and tries to keep Shawn and her sister Sam from helping their younger sister, Stacy, who has come to Charlotte to settle into a new life and job after college. Will her father’s cruel words, callous behavior and all the old pain she’s experienced cause her happiness to crumble or will Shawn allow Rebecca’s love to heal those wounds? Will she allow Rebecca to see her human side, the side of her that is torn apart by the fact that her parents hate her?

Sam Evans is dealing with her own pain caused by her parent’s rejection of her and more painfully, her son. She can’t fathom how her sister, Shawn, has dealt with this treatment from them for so long without being crushed. Can she be strong enough to help her sister through the darkness and face her own pain?

Find The Human Side at various retailers via my site

New Beginnings – A Lesbian Fictional Romance – Short Story

New Beginnings – A Lesbian Fictional Romance – Short Story

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns. Sometimes we hide the very core of our existence because we fear the judgment of others. Sometimes the universe shifts and we are provided with a brief moment to begin anew. These moments allow us to become fearless and let our perfectly created souls shine.

Sam has the perfect life, or does she? When her life is turned upside down and she develops feelings for her sister’s best friend, will she put aside her fear and follow her heart? Sometimes true love finds us when we least expect it. Sam faces a devastating loss and overwhelming guilt. Her sister, Shawn and Shawn’s best friend, Jenna, step in to help. When Sam begins to realize that she has feelings for Jenna, will her guilt and fear keep her from following her heart? Will Jenna be able to put aside her own fears to allow Sam inside the walls?

Shawn is battling her own set of demons; will she ruin her chance at happiness by shutting out a chance of true love?

Find New Beginnings at various retailers via my site

New Beginnings & The Human Side (Sequel to New Beginnings)

New Beginnings & The Human Side (Sequel to New Beginnings)

New Beginnings has been released in paperback format (previously available in eBook format only).   You locate a retailer via my website

New Beginnings Print Cover 9-12-15

Sam Evans has hidden herself behind a curtain of other people’s expectations, afraid to be her authentic self.  Can a life-shattering tragedy be her 2nd chance?  Will she be brave enough to allow herself happiness?

The Human Side (Sequel to New Beginnings) is available in eBook format and will be released in paperback format before the end of November.  You can locate a retailer via my website


Shawn Evans has steel walls up around her heart, that is until she fell in love with Rebecca Johns.  Will she be able to let go of the past and have a future?